What is Beaten rice?
Beaten rice is a product made out of unhusked rice. To produce it, unhusked rice is soaked in the water for certain length of time and then it is beaten enough to attain the required thickness. When the prouct is processied further by frying either in pan or in sand (known as ಭಟ್ಟಿ - bhatti - in kannada), it's called puffed beaten rice.
Our puffed beaten rice comes spiced up to hit your tastebuds with world-class spices and precise amount of other ingredients like fried curry leaves and peanuts.
- Delicious: With perfectly added spice and salt, you will enjoy every bit of the beaten rice.
- Healthy: Least oil content (from fried curry leaves and peanuts.)
- Fast-friendly: Since the rice isn't cooked anywhere, people believe this can be eaten during fasting.
How to eat?
- Alone: You don't need anything to supplement this while eating it. But it's good to drink some water after eating it.
- Coffee Time Snack: It makes a wonderful coffee time snack.
- While Travelling: Since the gross oil conent is very low, it makes a great snack to have while you're on a journey.