Honey has been used as one of the most common home-remedies for cough since thousands of years in many geographical regions. Consuming merely a teaspoon of pure honey twice or thrice a day will provides you a great relief from cough.
Researchers provide to the skeptics more than sufficient evidences to this, along with the what they call as “Sustainable Inverse Relationship“. While presenting their strong opinion that, despite honey is predominantly comprised of various sugars, this has anticancer properties. Here‘s the complete information on the research.
Honey can be used as various types of facial masks in combinations with different ingredients. Each provides different results, depending on the combined ingredients. Mixture of honey and fine cinnamon powder helps you get rid of acnes. The combination with finely-powdered apple seeds works as an excellent facial-mask and scrub, providing you a glowing face. For all these, the honey must be 100% raw, unfiltered, untreated and unprocessed.
Honey is comprised of various sugars, bacteria, enzymes and moisture. Because of the presence of these, in the normal conditions, it doesn’t take too long (usually 1-2 years) before it begins to ferment. Higher the moisture content, sooner it begins to ferment.
With reference to the previous point, to prevent the collected honey from fermenting, the large-scale honey industries reduce the moisture content by heating (the process is called pasteurization). The resulted lower moisture and higher acid content causes death of most of the enzymes and bacteria. In the absence of these, the honey is just about as good as sugar is.